St David's Cardiff


  • Stage 1 early engagement (non-statutory)





    March 2024

    Two walk-by event and two workshops in St David's centre and an online survey asking for feedback on the early concept design.
  • Stage 2 engagement to accompany PAC





    May 2024

    Community events in St David's centre and reveal of detailed design for feedback, focusing on programming and events in the new square.
  • Stage 3 Statutory Pre-Application Consultation (PAC)





    June 2024

    Opportunity to feed back online on the formal draft planning application document led by Litchfields. Once live, you will be able to access the website here:
  • Stage 4 Planning Application submission





    July 2024

    The finalised planning application will be submitted to Cardiff Council for review and determination. The determination process usually takes 2-3 months. It is important to note that this exercise is entirely separate from the statutory consultation that Cardiff Council will conduct.
  • Stage 5 Youth Engagement

    July 2024




    August 2024

    Opportunity for local young people to engage in the journey and get access to opportunities to build their confidence, employability skills and get access to work experience, facilitated by 2-3 Degrees.
  • Demolition and construction

    Spring 2024




    Summer 2026

    If approved, the ex-Debenhams store will be demolished to make way for the square. Demolition is currently planned for a start in Spring 24, with the main phase of demolition to complete in spring 25, followed by further phases of demolition and commencement of the square in September 25 with a completion summer 26.
  • Open to the public






    Based on the current timeline and subject to approval and no delays, we expect the square to be opened for the public for the first time in summer 2026.