St David's Cardiff

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Pre-Application Consultation Goes Live

Landsec have commissioned Litchfields to undertake a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) in respect of a full planning application for the proposed repurposing of a former Debenhams department store, at St David’s in central Cardiff, to include a new public square and a change of use to accommodate exciting new food and beverage and leisure use operators. 

You are being contacted as a member of the community who may be interested in commenting on the PAC. 

Under the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016 those proposing major development are required to consult with members of the public and community as well as statutory bodies prior to submitting their planning application to the Local Planning Authority.

The new square as a destination is intended to serve as a valuable asset to the whole community, fostering a sense of belonging and enhance the overall visitor experience.  

Cardiff is the UK’s first UNICEF Child Friendly City and the proposed development presents a valuable opportunity to create a child-friendly, family orientated public space. 

Pre-application consultation 

Following the completion of the extensive non-statutory consultation carried out during February and March 2024, we will now be undertaking and submitting a PAC application with finalised design of the new square at St Davids.

The proposed zoning, appearance and layout of the new square has been guided by the extensive public and stakeholder engagement, and shaped by the community feedback.

From Tuesday 2nd July, you can click on the link below to access the PAC website, which includes information about the proposed development, visualisations of the final design, and the draft planning application documents.

City Square Cardiff – Public Consultation

How to comment

Should you wish to submit comments on the current proposals, please complete the online form on the PAC website by 31st July 2024.

Please note comments received after the closing date may not be taken into account.

An analysis of the feedback received and any changes to the scheme will be reported in the pre-application consultation report to be submitted as part of the planning application.

For information on previous engagement undertaken, and to sign up for updates, visit: Have Your Say Today - St David's Cardiff - Commonplace.


Mae Landsec wedi comisiynu Litchfields i gynnal Ymgynghoriad Cyn Ymgeisio (YGY) mewn perthynas â chais cynllunio llawn ar gyfer ailbwrpasu arfaethedig i hen siop adrannol Debenhams, yng Nghanolfan Siopa Dewi Sant yng nghanol Caerdydd, i gynnwys sgwâr cyhoeddus newydd a newid defnydd i ddarparu ar gyfer gweithredwyr bwyd a diod newydd cyffrous a defnydd hamdden.

Rydym yn cysylltu â chi yn aelod o'r gymuned a allai fod â diddordeb mewn rhoi sylwadau ar y YGY. 

O dan Orchymyn Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref (Gweithdrefn Rheoli Datblygu) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2016 mae’n ofynnol i’r rhai sy’n cynnig datblygiad mawr ymgynghori ag aelodau’r cyhoedd a’r gymuned yn ogystal â chyrff statudol cyn cyflwyno eu cais cynllunio i’r Awdurdod Cynllunio Lleol.

Bwriad y sgwâr newydd yn gyrchfan yw gwasanaethu fel ased gwerthfawr i'r gymuned gyfan, gan feithrin ymdeimlad o berthyn a gwella profiad cyffredinol yr ymwelydd.  

Caerdydd yw dinas gyntaf Gyfeillgar i Blant UNICEF y DU ac mae’r datblygiad arfaethedig yn gyfle gwerthfawr i greu man cyhoeddus sy’n gyfeillgar i blant ac sy'n canolbwyntio ar deuluoedd. 

Ymgynghoriad Cyn Ymgeisia (YGY)

Ar ôl cwblhau’r ymgynghoriad anstatudol helaeth a gynhaliwyd yn ystod mis Chwefror a mis Mawrth 2024, byddwn nawr yn cynnal ac yn cyflwyno cais YGY gyda dyluniad terfynol y sgwâr newydd yn Nhyddewi.

Mae’r parthau arfaethedig, ymddangosiad a chynllun y sgwâr newydd wedi’u harwain gan ymgysylltu helaeth â’r cyhoedd a rhanddeiliaid, ac wedi’u llywio gan adborth y gymuned.

O ddydd Mawrth 2 Gorffennaf , gallwch glicio ar y ddolen isod i fynd i wefan YGY, sy'n cynnwys gwybodaeth am y datblygiad arfaethedig, delweddau o'r dyluniad terfynol, a'r dogfennau cais cynllunio drafft.

Sgwâr y Ddinas Caerdydd – Ymgynghoriad Cyhoeddus

Sut i Sylw

Os hoffech gyflwyno sylwadau ar y cynigion presennol, cwblhewch y ffurflen ar-lein ar wefan YGY erbyn 31 Gorffennaf 2024  .

Sylwch efallai na fydd sylwadau a ddaw i law ar ôl y dyddiad cau yn cael eu hystyried.

Bydd dadansoddiad o’r adborth a dderbyniwyd ac unrhyw newidiadau i’r cynllun yn cael eu hadrodd yn yr adroddiad ymgynghori cyn ymgeisio sydd i’w gyflwyno fel rhan o’r cais cynllunio.

I weld gwybodaeth am ymgysylltu blaenorol a gynhaliwyd, ac i gofrestru ar gyfer diweddariadau, ewch i: Dweud Eich Dweud Heddiw - Dewi Sant Caerdydd - Commonplace.

Posted on 2nd July 2024

by Landsec

Stage 2 engagement events

Join us for the next round of consultation events!

Date: Saturday June 8th and Sunday June 9th, 2024

Time: 10am to 4pm

Location: St David’s Centre Dewi Sant, Cardiff, CF10 2EF

Are you passionate about shaping the future of our city? Do you have ideas for how a new square in the heart of Cardiff could become a vibrant hub of community activity and engagement? 

Join us for some family-friendly fun from Wales based creatives, charities, and community groups, and explore with us how you envision the new square being used and how it could become a central part of the local community.

Event Summary

Across the weekend, there will be series of dynamic and engaging workshops from Wales based creatives, charities, and community groups to help spark the conversation to explore what events and activities this new space could provide, and how it could bring more community engagement to the city centre.

This will be your chance to learn about the latest changes to the square's design following feedback from the first-round engagement earlier this year. We hope that seeing the finalised detailed design will generate an atmosphere of excitement at the prospect of what this new square could mean for the city centre and assist with the important discussions around the future programming of the square.

We encourage participation and feedback from everyone in the community to ensure the future programming of the square is relevant and accessible.


Saturday 8th June

11:30am - 12:30pmWelsh language jamboree style eventDo Re Mi Canu
1pm - 2pm
Welsh language jamboree style event
Do Re Mi Canu
2:30pm - 3:30pmStory-led dance sessionRubicon Dance

Sunday 9th June

11am - 3pmFelt craft session Lark Design Make

This is a drop-in workshops so you don't have to stay for the full 4 hours.

Picture of a young boy during the early engagement consultation holding up a post it note on which 'it looks fun :)' is written

How to get involved

These events are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to get involved. There is no need to book or reserve a space, simply join for whichever workshops you are interested in taking part in.

If you have any queries regarding the events or the project itself, please contact us via the contact details below.

Find out more about what’s going on and how to get involved:

Phone: 02921 675483



With the latest stages of design finalised following the first round of community engagement earlier this year, we need your ideas for how the new square in the heart of Cardiff could become a vibrant hub of community activity and engagement.

Please fill out the survey on our website to help us understand more about how you envision the square being used, and how it could bring more community engagement to the city centre.


Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y rownd nesaf o ddigwyddiadau ymgynghori!

Dyddiad: Dydd Sadwrn Mehefin 8fed a Dydd Sul Mehefin 9fed, 2024

Amser : 10am tan 4pm

Lleoliad: Canolfan Dewi Sant, Caerdydd, CF10 2EF

Ydych chi'n angerddol am siapio dyfodol ein dinas? A oes gennych chi syniadau ar gyfer sut y gallai sgwâr newydd yng nghanol Caerdydd ddod yn ganolbwynt bywiog ar gyfer gweithgarwch cymunedol ac ymgysylltu?

Ymunwch â ni am ychydig o hwyl i’r teulu gan bobl greadigol, elusennau a grwpiau cymunedol o Gymru, ac archwiliwch gyda ni sut rydych yn rhagweld y bydd y sgwâr newydd yn cael ei ddefnyddio a sut y gallai ddod yn rhan ganolog o’r gymuned leol.

Crynodeb o'r Digwyddiad

Dros y penwythnos, bydd cyfres o weithdai deinamig a deniadol gan bobl greadigol, elusennau a grwpiau cymunedol yng Nghymru i helpu i danio'r sgwrs i archwilio pa ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau y gallai'r gofod newydd hwn eu darparu, a sut y gallai ddod â mwy o ymgysylltiad cymunedol i ganol y ddinas.

Dyma'ch cyfle i ddysgu am y newidiadau diweddaraf i ddyluniad y sgwâr yn dilyn adborth o'r ymgysylltu rownd gyntaf yn gynharach eleni. Gobeithiwn y bydd gweld y dyluniad manwl terfynol yn creu awyrgylch o gyffro ynghylch yr hyn y gallai’r sgwâr newydd hwn ei olygu i ganol y ddinas ac yn cynorthwyo gyda’r trafodaethau pwysig ynghylch rhaglennu’r sgwâr yn y dyfodol.

Rydym yn annog cyfranogiad ac adborth gan bawb yn y gymuned i sicrhau bod rhaglennu’r sgwâr yn y dyfodol yn berthnasol ac yn hygyrch.


Dydd Sadwrn 8 Mehefin

11:30am - 12:30pmDigwyddiad tebyg i jambori Cymraeg
Do Re Mi Canu
1pm - 2pmDigwyddiad tebyg i jambori CymraegDo Re Mi Canu
2:30pm - 3:30pmSesiwn ddawns a arweinir gan storiRubicon Dance

Dydd Sul 9 Mehefin

11am - 3pmSesiwn crefft ffeltLark Design Make

Gweithdai galw heibio yw hwn, felly does dim rhaid i chi aros am y 4 awr lawn.

Sut i gymryd rhan

Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn agored i'r cyhoedd, ac mae croeso i bawb gymryd rhan. Nid oes angen bwcio na chadw lle, y cyfan sydd raid i chi ei wneud yw ymuno â pha bynnag weithdai y mae gennych ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan ynddynt.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am y digwyddiadau neu'r prosiect ei hun, cysylltwch â ni drwy'r manylion cyswllt isod.

Dysgwch fwy am yr hyn sy'n digwydd a sut i gymryd rhan:

Ffôn : 02921 675483

E-bost :


Gyda’r camau dylunio diweddaraf wedi’u cwblhau yn dilyn y rownd gyntaf o ymgysylltu â’r gymuned yn gynharach eleni, rydym angen eich syniadau ar gyfer sut y gallai’r sgwâr newydd yng nghanol Caerdydd ddod yn ganolbwynt bywiog o weithgarwch ac ymgysylltu cymunedol.

Cwblhewch yr arolwg ar ein gwefan i’n helpu i ddeall mwy am sut yr ydych yn rhagweld y sgwâr yn cael ei ddefnyddio, a sut y gallai ddod â mwy o ymgysylltu cymunedol i ganol y ddinas.

Posted on 31st May 2024

by Landsec

Come to a design workshop and help shape the new square at St David’s

What is a design workshop?

The Design Workshops are a opportunity for local residents to work with LDA architects, the St David’s Centre team and Landsec to help shape the look and feel of this new site in heart of Cardiff.

How will they do it?

Through a series of two workshops, local residents will have the opportunity to go through the proposed plans in detail with the team, sharing thoughts and ideas on specific themes and details. They will ultimately play a large part in influencing the future designs of the new public space.

Who can join the workshops?

The workshops are open to all Cardiff residents. We want to hear from different communities with different interests, to ensure that the final design benchmarks reflect the areas diversity and uniqueness.

You don’t need to have any prior knowledge of architecture or planning. Instead, we’re looking for people that understand their community and the area.

When and where will they meet?

Grasshopper Communications will be facilitating two workshops on behalf of Landsec on Monday 26 February in St David’s Shopping Centre Business Suite.

  • Workshop 1: 12:30pm to 3:00pm
  • Workshop 2: 6:00pm to 8:30pm
  • The workshops will include breakout sessions that will focus on the themes of culture, nature, play, activity and craft, with one focus group for each theme. The results of these breakout sessions will then be fed back to the wider group for discussion.

    Both workshops cover the same topics and will be conducted bilingually (English and Welsh), so you will only need to attend one of the two options.

    What's in it for you?

    This will be your chance to directly input into the design process of the redevelopment of the New Square at St David's.

    For joining a workshop, you will:

  • Be paid for your time at the end of the programme;
  • Receive travel and childcare costs (if needed);
  • Help shape your community; and
  • Learn more about your area, your neighbours and wider community needs.
  • How do I sign-up?

    Register through the proposals section of our site: Become a Design Champion.

    Alternatively, you can also register your interest by contacting us using the details below:


    Phone number: 02921 675483

    Because we want to ensure a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and interests are reflected in the group we will ask for some personal details.

    Posted on 5th February 2024

    by Iwan Irranca-Davies